5 am. Beautiful.
Me in Vancouver already drunk. Not so beautiful.
We are so hot.
As I put it: "The love of my life." Rum and Coke.
Gettin preeeeeetty drunk.
Don't remember his name....
The 'island aura' guy. Don't remember his name either.
I fell down. Most likely couldn't get up again.
My first-favourite pic of the night.
I have no explanation. Taken shortly after the video we deleted.
Me on the ground....again...
She's in love!
...and so am I.
If you look close you can see me. I thought the fountain was 'wicked cool'.
Denny's.....oh, Denny's.
I'm gettin tired....but still drunk.
We could be spokespeople!
My second-favourite pic of the night. I look eerie.
We thought it was....cool. That's my hand's shadow.
Drunk and eating pizza at 4 in the morning.
It says Rush!! I totally freaked out.
The end. I was sad.
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