Tuesday, April 20
Today I worked in the shoe department of Sears. I'm taking it over when Donna goes on holidays. I feel so important, haha. After work, the band played a show at Ladysmith which went quite well. The crowd was into us, which was satifying to say the least. However, I had had enough with the sound of my amp. I went to Music Maxx after the show and told Scott exactly what I was looking for. He showed me a few models and I guiltily shoved the status of my bank account into the back of my mind. I had dinner at Trevor's house, then we went out for ice cream later. I was cold sitting in Dairy Queen, so we went to Future Shop and had quite the time. We put on headphones and listened to Alexisonfire. I went totally insane jumping around. Then I tried a karaoke machine. Also lots of fun. We stayed until closing, then walked back to my house.
I was wondering the other day...
What do blind people dream of? I mean, even if they saw something, they wouldn't be able to describe it to anyone. They can't say "I see a blue sky". I wonder if they dream sounds of shapes or feelings. I'd really like to know.
And... what would the world be like if nothing had any material value. Like, if everything was free. You could have whatever you wanted; the big house, the five cars. I think after the initial shock of it all wore off, everyone would be quite simplistic. We would only aquire possesions of we needed them. It's fun to think about, but it would take so long to reach past the point of greed-induced hysteria.
That is all.
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